Book Review: Procrastination Annihilation

Title: Procrastination Annihilation 
A Happy Ending to a Human Tragedy 

Author: Antony Sammeroff 

Genre: Self-Help

Published: 2018  

Format: E-Book 

Pages: 75

This free e-book from Antony Sammeroff is designed to both analyze the typical root causes of procrastination and to provide you an actionable plan to overcome your procrastination habits.  He shares a lot of his own journey of battling procrastination for 30 years.   After experimenting with dead end methods to change his work ethic he finally came up with this three-month course of action, so you can do as he has done.

The theme of his solutions is based his analysis of the root causes of procrastination.  He calls this the 5 dragons between you and your goals.  These are:

  1. All or Nothing Thinking
  2. Perfectionism
  3. Fatalism
  4. Seeing Things as Things to be Done Rather Than Things to Do
  5. I Don’t Feel Like it. Ever!

He breaks these down with many examples that are obvious once your read them.

Having identified these root causes he offers pragmatic step by step solutions to move past these instincts to accomplish your goals.  He advocates a series of bite size steps towards procrastination annihilation, taking credit for small victories on your path.  “Mile by mile – life’s a trial, inch by inch – life’s a cinch!”  He spends a lot text describing your emotions and how they contribute to your procrastination habits.  He also points out the importance of your physical state to your energy levels, offering what he did to improve his.   He gives examples of his personnel development clients dealing with their own procrastination issues and their successes against them.

Antony’s book has provided me with actionable steps to minimize my procrastination and accomplish things every day that add up to meeting goals I would otherwise put off until I was in the mood to do it in a big burst of effort.  Sort of like cramming for a test the night before.

Much like How to Win Friends and Influence People this is a book that you might want to reread every few years to sharpen your saw.

“Be yourself and love it.”